Construction Management

2010–Present: Federal Transit Administration, Support PMO oversight of ARRA funded projects, various locations

Currently providing support to Booz Allen Hamilton for Program Management Oversight (PMO) of multiple Federal Transit Administration ARRA funded grant projects in Mississippi, North Carolina Puerto Rico, Connecticut, Orlando, and Miami. Projects include transportation services buildings, bus routes and light rail.  Construction Management Services consist of reviewing project schedules, project Quality Control/Quality Assurance and Buy America...

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2010–2011 Contaminated Soil Removal, Active Air Force Base, VA

Provided comprehensive project management oversight for prime contractor on a site remediation project. The project included construction of 1,700 LF of cofferdam and dewatering, excavating 4,200 CY of contaminated sediment, drying and waste removal and site restoration.  Project valued at over $4M.  Performed as CM Agent Representative for and professional consultant/advisor to Prime Contractor.  During pre-construction Navigator CS, LLC...

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2011–2012 – Landfill Cover Construction, Active Air Force Base, IL

Provided comprehensive project management oversight and project scheduling for prime contractor for phases one and two of a landfill cap construction project valued at more than $10M. Project included two old landfills totaling more than 35 acres in close proximity to one another on base. Phase one consists of removal of mature trees, covering more than 25 acres of site, grinding, improvement of access and installation of necessary sediment...

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